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Plays: 4645
Just your ordinary tic-tac-toe game!
Word Search
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Word Search

Plays: 671406
If you are good with vocabulary this game is perfect for you! While playing this game you are provided at the bottom of the screen with a definition or a meaning that corresponds with the word that you are looking for. Whens searching for the word keep in mind that they orient in different directions such as from left to right, from bottom to top, from bottom right to top left, etc. If you are unable to figure out the word from the meaning you can also press a hint button to get the word unfortunately though your score will be deducted! So try and get it the first try. This game is amazing fun and also helps you learn meanings to words you may have never known before! So have fun and give it a try!
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Plays: 51318
Awesome word game for your beautiful mind. It's real challenge for your unique thoughtful brain. Take your part in right now and FEEL! the pleasure of your right answers of questioned words in limited amount of time.
Cube Crash
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Cube Crash

Plays: 450687
Cube Crash is a super fun time passing game! It is your job to make matches of 3 or more colored blocks so you can dwindle you blocks down and obtain a high score. The larger the group you can make the more your score will grow! Go try out the fun of Cube Crash! You wont regret it!
Caribbean Fashion Swimsuit Dress Up
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Caribbean Fashion Swimsuit Dress Up

Plays: 1644802
If you have an eye for simsuit fashion look no further than Caribbean Fashion Swimsuit Dress Up! In this game you are able to dress up a swimsuit fashion model, but make sure she looks perfect walking along the beach because she needs to look amazing for any surprise paparazzi shots! Drag and drop the various bikinis, shirts, pants, and other articles of clothing onto your model!

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