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Single Player Ludo
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Single Player Ludo

Plays: 92020
Ludo is a simple board game for two to four players, in which the players race their four tokens from start to finish according to dice rolls. This is a single player version of ludo. The multiplayer version will be made soon Rules: A player can move her token after rolling a six. She can kill oponents token only if oponents token is not in a star marked area. Player can roll if she rolles a six/kills an oponents token. In Team Mode: Normal rules and a player can only kill oponents tokens. Winning Condition: In Single Player: A player wins if all her tokens reach the home location. In Team Mode: A player wins if she and her buddie's all tokens have reached home location.
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Plays: 359909
Go around the board game and play puzzles with your awesome creature friends! Roll the dice and solve puzzles be quick though! if you are too slow your turn will be over and it will be the next persons turn!
Dress Up Paris Hilton
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Dress Up Paris Hilton

Plays: 493611
Make Paris Hilton look hot! Paris Hilton is a busy young starlet and she needs to look good for the event she is going to. Can you make her look hot? Test your skills as you dress her up to the nines!
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Plays: 640302
Its you against the computer you better watch your ship! The objective of this game is to sink all the enemy ships. Both you and the computer arrange your ships in an area, and then take turns bombing one another ships. Since you do not know the location of each other's ships, you need to bomb strategically in order to be as efficient as possible when bombing the ships. Be strategic and keep your ship safe if you don't your game is over!
Space Attackers
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Space Attackers

Plays: 81902
This is a remake of the classic space attackers game. In this game you control a space ship to destroy a team of space attackers. The attackers will shoot you back in return and will approach closer and closer. There are special enemies, once destroyed, they will give you some very nice weapons.

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