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Subway Scramble
Click To Download Subway Scramble
Click To Download Subway Scramble
Welcome to the action puzzle simulation that takes you on a rapid transit romp through the epic subway systems of New York, London, Paris, Moscow and Seoul. Its a worldwide wreck of snarled subways, mangled metros and lost passengers. Its up to you to make sure that all the passengers return to their proper destinations! It wont be easy...multiple train cars, overlapping railway lines and a wide array of color-coded destinations make Subway Scramble a unique and mesmerizing challenge.

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Subway Scramble

Subway Scramble Screen Shots
Subway ScrambleSubway ScrambleSubway ScrambleSubway Scramble

Subway Scramble System Requirements
OS: Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 128MB CPU: P3 600


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